Monday, December 1, 2008

soooo sorry

Wow, it's been over two weeks since I updated this blog! It hasn't seemed like that long. Sorry for the long absence, but the goose and I were seriously ailing week before last. I think I caught a virus that spiraled into a wicked sinus infection, and the goose must have caught the virus from me, as he started spiking fevers and acting super clingy. Ugh, and I quickly learned that the only thing worse than a sick baby is a sick MOM with a sick baby. It seriously sucked. JC helped out as much as possible, but it was really just a rough week.

In more bad news. last week was also the two year anniversary of my mom's passing, and boy did I feel her absence keenly. I miss her on a daily basis, but never more so than last week when I needed her to take care of me so I could take care of the baby! It was such a rough week.

And of course, the illness/anniversary dovetailed right into our Thanksgiving travel. We did our annual trek up to Philly. It was fun, but Graydon is just not a good sleeper when he's not in his own room, so we had a bunch of wake-ups each night. We've been back since Friday and I am still trying to get his sleeping back on track. He is definitely a baby that needs routine.

So there's my sob story! I'll stop now before this blog gets too depressing (probably too late for that!). In brighter news, Gray is now ten months old and keeps getting cuter. Here are some of his antics from the past month:
Sat around looking smug:
Attempted to physically silence Poppa T (has yet to learn that it's impossible):
Hung out with his girlfriend, Casey (with a parental chaperone, of course):
Cheered unsuccessfully for the Maryland Terrapins- between the Terps and his daddy's favorite pro-team, the Detroit Lions, this kid may be in for a lifetime of serious sports disappointment :
But the hat does look good on him, no? Maybe time to stop dressing him in that unflattering maroon and orange... hmmmm? :)
Hiked Mt Everest with his daddy (or maybe just hiked around the block- he's ready for either with this outfit! It keeps him suuuuper toasty. The only drawback is that it's so thick, it seriously hinders mobility and once he's in it, he can't move. He'll just lie on the floor, sweating and steaming, until someone scoops him up and plunks him into the baby bjorn).
And finally, out to dinner with his Uncle Jeff, where it looks like Jeff is either cleaning out Graydon's ear wax or giving him a wet willy:
Either way, the baby doesn't seem to mind.
Sorry about the long hiatus. More posts to come this week, I promise.

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