Sunday, December 28, 2008

we're back!

So, I'm finally back on the blog. Sorry, I know, I know. It's been a crazy week what with the holidays and last minute shopping and one crazy active baby on the loose. Hopefully, now that things have calmed down, I'll be posting more frequently.

We went on a bunch of playdates this month, and here are the best shots from the bunch.

Lorin and Dolan:

This is my friend Lorin and her son, Dolan. Big D is awesome- he is a happy, super-handsome little guy born on St Patrick's day, and he is loads of fun- how could he not be with that birthday? He's a talker, a clapper, and a dancer, and his dad and I joke that he and Gray are going to tear it up at the bars together when they're older. They have similar coloring, with big blue eyes and dark blonde hair, and neither have that chubby baby look- they both resemble little boys already. Big D is awesome, and we had a great time playing with him (and I'm not just saying that because his dad reads the blog- what up Todd! :).

The only dark cloud was Graydon, who loves other kids, but for some crazy baby reason can't resist stealing their toys and then bonking them on their heads with it. It's not cool. I hope he's not destined to be the playground bully- he's pulled this stunt a couple of times. Here's the play by play:

Here Gray is, plotting his attack:

Now the windup, and:

BAM! Total throwdown, babystyle. Thank goodness Lorin was quick on the draw:

Dolan was understandably pissed off, and didn't let Graydon get too close for a while. But eventually they seemed to forgive and forget, and I think they'll be great friends in the near future.
Later on that week, we went over to my friend Becky's house for a kiddie holiday fiesta. There were 5 or 6 babies there, and it was total anarchy and great fun.

Graydon deciding which toy to go after and claim as his own:

Hmmm, Vincent's toy looks interesting, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I used /stole it :

Ok, maybe he does mind, who knew? But I can still have that toy, right?

The last time Grady and Ben were together, Gray bopped Ben on the head with his own rattle and made Ben cry. This time, Ben decided he'd retalliate, and grabbed Graydon by the ear, just like a catholic school nun:

Graydon was all, "Um, excuse me? What the heck is this about? Let go please?" But Ben was all about the payback and maintained his grip:

Finally, Graydon decided he had had enough, and gave me the "get me the hell out of here" face.
Which I was happy to do. But I was glad he got to experience what it's like when other babies get in his face- maybe it will make him more likely to play nicely and share, and less likely to swing his toys around like a tomahawk. But probably not.
Ok, so that's it! Sorry again for our long absence.

Next post I'll put up our Christmas pictures, but essentially this was our Christmas routine: watching the little man zing around like a pinball and then desperately trying to tackle him before he shoved something inappropriate (or glass, or poisonous) into his mouth. This was the view we saw the most:

And lest you think this blog is only about Graydon, here's our other little baby- Stella girl!! Stells was a good girl this year, with some minor exceptions, and she often acts like a little mother to the baby, when she's not running away from him, that is.. So merry Christmas, Stella!

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