This past weekend we met Santa for the first time, you saw how that went. But we also had a fun first milestone, we got Gray his first official pair of shoes! We made our way to Stride Rite and got his fat little feet measured (size 4, wide- so we bought a 4 1/2 for room to grow), Then we purchased an adorable pair of sporty sneaker-ish baby shoes. I love them. They are freaking super cute. Check it out:
So now Graydon is appropriately shod. These shoes were on sale, but I am sure that we will be spending a small fortune on footwear until, when? How old are you before your feet stop growing? Tenth grade? Groan.
Today we went to Gymboree, and out of the 7 babies who were there, four (including mine) were named the following: Sadie, Brady, Grady, and Grant. It was a very confusing class, and made me think twice about the nickname Grady. Maybe we should just stick with Gray, as there are not likely to be as many kids with that name running around. We'll see.
Tomorrow we have to get our second round of the flu shot, which I'm sure is going to help the Goose's already miserable mood. Since our ped's office is close to JC's work office, we are going to stop there afterwards. Maybe Daddy will even buy us lunch (Hint! Hint!)
Ok, that's it for now. Tomorrow I will post pictures from our playdate on Monday with my friend Lorin and her adorable hunk of son, Dolan (AKA the Big D, Bubba, Pumpkin Loaf). He is seriously too cute and we had a great time. Stay tuned.
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