On Wednesday, we had our nine month doctor's appointment. We were not at all surprised to learn that Gray is developing right on target. Height was 29.5 inches, landing him in the 90th percentile. Weight is holding steady at about twenty pounds (50th percentile), not surprising since he burns a ton of calories with all his physical activity. We've been a little worried about the Goose's verbal abilities, fart noises not withstanding. But our old- school, southern pediatrician put our minds at ease. He said that Graydon is physically and socially advanced for his age, and the speech will come, and not to worry. In fact, he told us in his North Carolinian twang, "Y'all are gonna have your hands full with that one." True that, Dr. Shearin, true that.

Saturday night we went to Amy's house because our friend Stacey and her family were in town for a quick visit. It was the first time that Grady and Stacey's adorable daughter Abigail had met. They got along famously, and even had an impromptu dance party with Stacey's husband, Frank: 
Abigail was happy to hang out with the Goose (Graydon) and the Moose (Bobby). Bobby is one of the funniest babies ever. He is soooo cute, and sooooooo big. He is 4-5 pounds heavier than Gray, even though he is 3 months younger. He rarely moves; he just sits there and gives you drooly smiles, and gurgles non-stop. He's the best!
Saturday night we went to Amy's house because our friend Stacey and her family were in town for a quick visit. It was the first time that Grady and Stacey's adorable daughter Abigail had met. They got along famously, and even had an impromptu dance party with Stacey's husband, Frank:
Abigail was happy to hang out with the Goose (Graydon) and the Moose (Bobby). Bobby is one of the funniest babies ever. He is soooo cute, and sooooooo big. He is 4-5 pounds heavier than Gray, even though he is 3 months younger. He rarely moves; he just sits there and gives you drooly smiles, and gurgles non-stop. He's the best!
Abigail took a little longer to warm up to us, but once she did she was a delight. She loved the babies, and was more than happy to share food and toys. Everything except her bunny rabbit, which she carries with her everywhere. She gave us a glimpse into what our future holds, and we're excited! She's awesome!
All three kids (and more importantly, all three sets of parents) had a great time hanging out.
After our get-together, we headed home to put Gray to bed and then were off to meet JC's sister for her b-day celebration. JC's parents came over to babysit. Unfortunately, I guess Graydon had eaten a little too much at Amy's house (he had goldfish crackers for the first time, as well as avacados, banana, cheese, milk, a few tater tots, and some oatmeal). So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when I took him up to bed and he started PROJECTILE VOMITING! Seriously, it was straight-up exorcist shit! I'm surprised his head didn't spin. Needless to say, we skipped the birthday hang out, sorry Kate. He's been fine today, so I think we're back to normal. All in all, an exciting end to an exciting week.
1 comment:
we missed you, but I am glad he is feeling better!
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