Sunday, December 7, 2008

christmas outtakes, part deux

I just realized that I have now written over a hundred posts. Who knew there was so much to say about one crazy little baby?

Last night JC and I went out to dinner to celebrate our three year anniversary (well, the actual date is this coming Wednesday, but it's easier to snag a sitter on the weekend). Candace was kind enough to make her babysitting debut, and JC and I went to Bobby Van's and had a fabulous dinner. The baby went down right on schedule and slept like a dream, so Candace didn't have to contend with any late night meltdowns. It was great. Thanks again, Auntie Candace! :)

However, today was rough. Neither JC nor I can hang like we used to, apparently. We probably should have gotten a babysitter today, too. Poor Graydon had to deal with two tired, grumpy caretakers today. Ugh, we are definitely getting old.

We did manage to come out of our slump long enough to get some better Christmas pics, so there just may be Christmas cards after all! Here are some of the shots we got today:
We tried to get Gray and Stella in the picture, but getting them both to behave was never gonna happen. So poor Stells is getting the shaft once again and not making an appearance on the Christmas card. You'll just have to trust us that she is wishing everyone a happy holidays, as well.

1 comment:

Kate said...

he didn't seemed thrilled with the Hokie hat. looks like he IS an ECU fan! ;)

great pics! i love the boots. and I am SOOOO close to done for the smester, so I will see you all soon!