Sunday, October 19, 2008


We found the greatest place the other day in Capitol Hill- it's called the Family Room. It's like an indoor playspace for kids. Basically, it's a big room with padded floors, tons of toys and tons of babies. It is without a doubt a HUGE germ factory but beggars can't be choosers and besides, it keeps the goose occupied for like, HOURS. A risk worth taking, in my beleaguered opinion.
We showed up with friends Candace and Kim, and Kim's adorable toddler, Miss Casey Elizabeth. Casey is at the age where she likes to give hugs, and it is just so sweet. She and Graydon get on like a house afire, and they both had an awesome time playing:

Later, we came home so that Graydon could play his new favorite game: reorganizing the refrigerator.
We let him play around for a few minutes, but we had to pull the plug on this attraction when he kept trying to climb INTO the fridge:
Oh, well, whatever keeps him occupied. This kid is not so easily entertained. If he wants to spend a few minutes chilling in the refrigerator, well then, be my guest. Pass the margarita mix, Graydon!


Becky said...

Love the margarita mix, beer and half drunk bottle of wine! :)

Bakeling said...

Wow , he knows where to find food !

Clever Boy ( laugh !)