Month eight is coming to an end (!!), so I need to document all of the goofy stuff el senor loosey goosey has done this past month.
Very excited for month nine. Thanks for a great month 8, munchkin!

-First and foremost, he is ALMOST walking. He is soooo ridiculously close but just not quite there yet. He lurches around the living room like a sailor on leave, grabbing whatever piece of furniture is in reach to keep himself upright. We have a leather ottoman in our living room, and his daddy will chase him round and round it, while Graydon laughs uproariously. Sometimes he runs around the ottoman in a sheer hilarious panic, desperate (in a good way) to get away from the chaser. Other times he is having so much fun that he forgets he is being chased, and will instead start staggering towards you, laughing all the while. It's so great. He's so much fun now.
-Sleep is still an interrupted hot mess, although nowhere near as bad as it was the first six months. He started sleeping through the night a month or two ago, but then he got sick, and then he started teething, so we are back at ground zero. Oh well. I'll get him back when he's a sullen, sleepy high schooler. I'll wake him up early and make him mow the lawn, or something else equally diabolical. :)
-Teeth! We've got four! Two up, two down. JC is worried because he thinks the two front uppers are coming in too far apart. As in, you can fit a baby carrot through the gap. But whatevs, we both had braces, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that old gap-toothed Grady is going to have to go the same route. Sorry, baby. We'll get them off before prom.
-Food- we started giving him some finger foods, and it's going ok. I've started putting some mushy bananas and carrots on his high chair tray, and although he wears most of them, he does enjoy the process of feeding himself. I'm really looking forward to the time where he is able to feed himself and get most of it into his mouth without destroying his outfit.
That's all I can think of right now... I worked yesterday at the hospital and then spent all day tending to this little nut so i am tiiiiiiiiired....
Very excited for month nine. Thanks for a great month 8, munchkin!
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