Monday, September 8, 2008

home again

So, we made it. The trip was a whirlwind and I am still exhausted. I'm happy to report that the baby was actually really well behaved. JC, a little less so :) But that's a story for another day.

Thanks to Tracy Ward and some helpful baby traveling hints, this was the scene on the plane ride up to Vermont:

Sweeeeet. He slept for roughly half the ride. We had a bag full of distractions but didn't even need to use most of them. Such a good boy.

We stayed at an amazing inn in Stowe, and it became the gathering point for everyone in town for the wedding.
All of JC's friends were surprisingly good with the baby....
....even though they did keep trying to get him drunk:
As always, his favorite times of the day were when he got to roughhouse with his daddy:

Isn't that such a sweet smile! He is really becoming so well behaved, and so happy! Such a dramatic change from the first six months. Thank you thank you thank you Jesus.
Oh, and finally here is a picture of Gray's elusive bottom teeth:
I keep thinking that he's teething again, but so far no sign of any more chompers.
When wedding time rolled around, we made sure Graydon was looking dapper:
If you look closely you can see that the left side of his face is all banged up. This is because he took a major header into the hotel coffee table. Poor little dude. He is at the stage where he is constantly falling over and bonking his head. We try to baby proof the best we can, but he creates new ways to hurt himself daily. Poor baby. He's pretty stoic about it all, though.
Before we left the rolling green hills of Vermont for the urban jungle we call home, we let Graydon experience grass for the first time, and he was impressed:
Nature boy! He loved it! Hopefully that will tide him over for a few years- there's only one patch of grass in our neighborhood and all the dogs pee there.


Becky said...

Beautiful pictures! Heard that traveling was great - sometimes you get lucky!!! Oh - and remember - they ONLY fall and bash their faces in right before either A - a major photo op or B - a doctor's appt!!

J-Mummy said...

Congrats on your first successful plane ride! It can be challenging, but for us, we've found the more we do it, the more comfortable everyone gets - so book another one now! It really does get easier! Be well all...j