So, now I understand why kids are occasionally referred to as "snot-nosed little brats". Well, not the brat part- that's a little rude. But the snot-nosed moniker is sure ringing true in our house these days. Gray has now had a profusely runny nose for the last 8 days. It cleared up a little on Thursday, and I thought he had turned a corner. Not so. I'm giving it 6 more days and then we're off to the doc. I'm hesitant to go before then because I reeeeally don't want him on antibiotics if we can help it. Besides, he's not super fussy, although his eating has been a little off. Oh, and his sleeping has been atrocious. And, he's now totally freaked by the bulb syringe; even the mere sight of it sends him scrambling. On a brighter note, his cough is almost completely gone. Can you see the crusty boogs in this picture? His nose is a horror show. We almost made a mom friend in the neighborhood today, until she came in for a closer look, saw Graydon's atrocious nasal activity, and hightailed it out of there without another glance in our direction. The fact that I hadn't showered and Stella was growling probably didn't help much, either.
So I was going to blog about the wedding we went to in Pennsylvania last weekend, but all the pictures I took there came out like crap. Suffice it to say, I went up without JC (he was at VA Tech for a football game) and it will be a cold day in hell before I take the baby anywhere solo again. Not that my relatives weren't awesome and totally helping out (my brother Jeff was amazingly good with the baby- and my aunt Dawn was lovely enough to hold him for a good half hour at the wedding so that I could hit the open bar :)- actually, Dawn had a very calming influence on Graydon, and he sat uncharacteristically still on her lap for a long while. I wonder if we can con her into coming down and babysitting? :) However, Grady is such a freaking nightmare in the car (screaming non-stop for HOURS) that it just cast a pall on the entire trip. Everytime we had to drive somewhere, it was a disaster. It would have been tough even with JC, but without him? Forget it.
Here he is in his carseat, aka the ultimate instrument of torture:
After the wedding, we spent the whole week tending to the sick bebe, and then on Thursday night, Jami Sherman came! She's in town for a wedding.
We hung out all of Friday, and then on Friday night, we let this guy babysit:
while JC, Jami, Candace and I went out to dinner. It was sooooo great to get out of the house, and surprisingly, the baby was still in one piece when we returned. Thanks again Poppa T!
Saturday we went to the H Street Festival with my friend Amy and her son Bobby (aka "the bull"- he is 4 months old and 18 lbs!) and then on Sunday we hit up Eastern Market. It was a long week, and a busy weekend, and by the end of it, we were all in need of a cocktail:
Here's to hoping that this snot-nosed kid gets better soon.
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