Last night the little insomniac woke up seven times. SEVEN! And he has been sleeping this poorly for almost ten nights. Aaaaaargh. JC and I are sooooooo tired. He seemed to be feeling better today, so maybe he'll sleep better tonight? Seriously, he has to. I am running on fumes and coke zero over here.
One of my friends asked me the other day, what would I do if I had 24 hours free from the baby to do whatever I wanted? Would I do laundry, catch up on household projects? (HA!) Go out shopping? Go to the movies? Day trip to the beach?
Answer: none of the above. I would do this:

I would rent a room at the Four Seasons hotel, climb my fat butt into bed, and not get out again except to use the bathroom or answer the door for room service. I would seriously stay in bed for 24 hours straight. Security would have to come throw me out at checkout time. Seriously. Terrifically lazy? Absolutely. A huge waste of money? Yes sirree bob! Do I care? Not even remotely. THIS IS MY DREAM, PEOPLE. Don't knock it.
Sleep deprivation is NO JOKE.
Graydon's room is always open at Grammy's and we would love to have him any time:) Bring him over we'll have a blast. Love you.
I have often fantasized about staying in a hotel all by myself for a night...
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