Last week we made the trek up to Annapolis to see my amazing friend Kim and her two adorable daughters. Casey is Graydon's best friend, her new daughter Shea and Finley are future BFF's, and Kim is my soul sister in baby misery. I love Kim because she totally understands what we are going through over here- because she is going through the exact same thing at her house. When I call her up and tell her that I am jumping into the car and driving to Canada- SANS babies- Kim doesn't tell me I'm a bad mother or try to talk me out of it. Instead, she says, "I hear you, lady" and then calls shotgun. She's the best!!
Here is Casey talking to Finley, or "Baby Beanie" as she calls her:

Casey and G having one of their many dance parties- the two of them are serious dancers, and love to get down:

Shea Willa! She's a little less than a month younger than Finley, and sooo pretty:

Gray doesn't appreciate getting caught wearing an apron:

Brotherly love:

The whole gang- absolutely impossible to get them all looking at the camera:

Pretty girls:
Seriously, she's the best, but check out Finn's cheeks. Such a chunker!

Best friends:
We loooove going to see the Fitzpatricks! I only wish we lived closer to each other!
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