Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Finley and G are starting to interact, just a bit... love love love their belly laughs. She laughs pretty frequently, but Gray definitely gets her to laugh the loudest and the longest. She looooves her big brother, for sure.

Sorry no posting, the kids haven't napped in TWO STRAIGHT DAYS and it is freaking destroying my sanity argh. On a bright note, Finn rolled over for the first time on Saturday and ever since, she has been a rolling machine. Today she probably rolled over 15 times. She's clearly a mover like her brother. I'm hoping the attainment of these developmental milestones is what's interrupting her sleep, because her napping has gone to hell and her nighttime stretches are getting shorter. ACK! But she remains the sweetest, most pleasant baby of all time. JC and I count our blessings with her constantly.

And then there's the flip side.... :) G-money, who turns two in THREE DAYS I can't even believe it! In the past 24 hours Graydon has:
-climbed on top of my toilet and grabbed a jar of Vicks Vapo Rub off the shelf, which he proceeded to empty and smear over his entire body, including face and hair. Do you KNOW how hard that stuff is to remove?
-"Stored" his sister's pacifier down his diaper and then took it out and tried to give it to her
-Removed his diaper and pooped on our living room floor

I was talking to my friend Stacey and she said she has never had to put her 3 year old daughter into time out. Graydon was in time out five times just today for:
-throwing a shoe at the dog
-climbing into his sister's crib and jumping up and down near her head
-throwing his sippy cup at the dog
-repeatedly trying to climb into the toilet
-nothing- one time he just put himself into timeout voluntarily and stayed in his room. I didn't argue.

So we are pretty much slammed over here. Between the lack of naps and the night awakenings (we are still up 4-7 times a night, seriously, it's the worst). Supposedly it gets better soon, HA! We have our 4 month and two year pediatric appointments next week so you can bet I will be harrassing our doctor for info. Or for a prescription for valium. Maybe for the kids. Maybe for me. It's a toss- up. If it doesn't improve soon, I may just start popping Stella's prozac :)

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