Ok. Today is the goose's nine month birthday. Can you even stand it! He is definitely looking and acting more like a little boy and less like a baby, in my opinion. Today he was standing near the dining room table and reached up and grabbed something off the top. True, he had to stand on his tippy toes, but STILL! One less safe place in the house to put stuff. He celebrated by having a few cocktails with his daddy:
He's not totally walking, but he does take 3-5 steps solo before he falls down. And he pulls himself up and cruises every chance he gets. On the downside, he's still a bit wobbly, so he does usually end the day fairly banged up. He's already bitten his tongue twice with his new, sharp teeth, and drawn blood. Ouch! And while an injury like that would have me curled up in the fetal position for hours, he's actually quite stoic and only cries for a few seconds. But his cry- the soundless intake of breath that is never ending until it results in an ear-shattering WAIL- that cry haunts me. It is sooooo pathetic. Poor Mr. Biggums.
Speaking of teeth, he now has six!! Four upper, two lower. Possibly more, but he won't let me near his mouth to check. He's off his food a little bit, and barely napping. And this is more information than you were probably looking for (apologies in advance to those of you reading this during lunch), but he has MAJOR diarrhea, and the smell. The SMELL! It would peel paint straight off the walls. It actually made me dry heave this morning. And I'm a NURSE! Gross smells are my bread and butter! Oh, but I tell you--the. worst. ever. Ugh.
As for talking, he pretty much has three ways of communicating: laughing; crying; and fart noises. Occasionally he will ooooh or aaaaah or some other vowel sound. But that was his whole repetoire. Until 3 days ago. When he started clucking. Like a chicken. I don't know if any of you have seen the movie "The Gods Must Be Crazy"- it's a weird movie about the bushmen in Africa, and one of them finds a coke bottle that has fallen out of the sky because someone was littering from an airplane, and it turns their whole society upside down and ANYWAY. It is a strange movie but my mother loved it and more importantly? The bushmen don't speak, they just "click" at each other and that's their language. And Graydon sounds EXACTLY like them. He clicks and clucks and sounds just like the tribesmen in that movie. JC and I are terrified that this is going to be his only method of communication and we are going to have to learn how to click in order to talk to him. We are renting that movie ASAP.
Poppa T came over this past weekend and continues to surprise us with how well he interacts with el bambino. It's like they share a brain, or something. He is always offering to babysit, regardless of the fact that he is not totally sure how to change a diaper, or warm a bottle. But, details! we say. We have hired him on for this Saturday. Fingers crossed. Children's Hospital on speed dial.