So, this guy? I don't think this guy was completely sold on the idea of having a baby. Hell, it took me 5 years just to get him to agree to walk down the aisle and get married. 2 years to agree to a dog. So I wasn't surprised when he was a little ambivalent about the idea of starting a family. When I told him I was pregnant, the first thing he did was to ask me how much college cost these days. He's a planner, JC is. But he gradually warmed up to the idea, and soon we were here:
Although, I don't think he truly realized we were having a baby until I was actually in labor. At one point, we were 30 plus hours into labor, and 3 hours into pushing, and the doctor had decided that I needed a C-section. So the doc and all the nurses left the room to go get the OR ready, and JC was left alone with a (non-medicated), fully in labor, totally crazy pregnant lady screaming on the bed. I was literally screaming, because hello? My epidural had been turned off two hours ago, and those contractions HURT. So I'm shrieking at JC to DO something, HELP me, and there's no one else in the room, and so JC picks up my ankles (and crosses them- don't know how the baby could have made it out that way if he had been so inclined) and starts talking to me like the nurse was- kind of: "Ok, push! now breathe! one two three pushbreathepush! i mean breathe! i mean, one two four five breathe! or push! no, breathe! help! nurse! help!" luckily the nurse heard him and came running back in. But it all worked out, and soon Graydon was born, and a new dad was made:
And ever since, it's been a smooth ride. Ha! Just kidding! Have you not been reading this blog? Our son is a WILD MAN. Colicky, fighting sleep, refusing the bottle, crying all day long, the nicest word to describe him is challenging. And that's being generous. I think the last time he slept was in the hospital:
It's been pretty rough. Trust me, there have been several days when I have considered fed-exing the baby elsewhere, like Brazil. Or Canada. C.O.D. He's cute enough, he'd be ok. But I haven't had to do that, and the main reason why is JC.
JC has always been a fabulous husband, but he is a phenomenal father. I don't know how many new dads work full time but also do the lion's share of the laundry, grocery shopping, and housework, as well (although- part of this is he's a little OCD- he won't let me do his laundry because he thinks I'd ruin it. And- everytime I load the dishwasher, he actually takes the dirty dishes out and RELOADS it because he says I don't do it right. Whatever, are the dishes in the dishwasher? Yes? Does the door close? Then how can it be wrong???) Regardless, his helping around the house is much appreciated and keeps our house presentable even in the midst of this baby tornado. Thank you, JC.
Additionally, he often takes the baby for walks in the morning so that I can get a little more sleep. Seriously, is there anything cuter than a dad in a baby bjorn?
Although a little reluctant at first to change a diaper, he's now a pro. And, it may surprise you to know that JC does the majority of the diaper changes at night, and then brings the baby in to me so I can nurse him. If it weren't for him, the baby might not get changed or fed at all during the night, because I sleep so soundly that even if the baby were dancing the cha cha on my head, I probably wouldn't stir.
He does try to help with feeding the baby, too, but Grady is not always on board with the bottle. But the effort is appreciated.
He gets in the baby pool (urine and all) to try and entertain our water baby. He walks the dog. He rocks the baby at night when he won't sleep. He plants flowers and waters our front lawn. He goes with me to doctor's appointments. He hasn't been out with the boys in months because he stays home to help me with crazy baby.
In short, for a first time dad, he pretty much rocks.
We love you, Big Pappy*! Happy first father's day!
*Yes, he does refer to himself as "Pappy". Mostly so he can have a cocktail at night and call it "pappy hour". I know. What can I do, I just roll with it.
1 comment:
It's true, guys in Baby Bjorns are hot - you're a lucky girl!
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