Graydon started putting everything he could get his meaty little hands on into his mouth-
Clothing (mine):
Toys :

Also this month, he started moving- a LOT. Besides rolling over like crazy, he also started showcasing this sweet move where he lifts his little heiny in the air, pushes with his legs, and scoots around on his head. He can get surprisingly far using this maneuver. JC calls it "the inverted wheelbarrow".
Also this month, he started moving- a LOT. Besides rolling over like crazy, he also started showcasing this sweet move where he lifts his little heiny in the air, pushes with his legs, and scoots around on his head. He can get surprisingly far using this maneuver. JC calls it "the inverted wheelbarrow".
But not all of this months accomplishments were rosy. Gray showed us a glimpse of his dark side, when he started beating up family members:
He practiced his best "It wasn't me, I'm innocent" face:
And pretended to be repentant:
He started spending alot of time swimming and peeing in the baby pool, and showed a definite tendency towards becoming a nudist:
But on the bright side, he started letting me take him out in public, to friends' houses, even to restaurants. He has taken two whole car rides without screaming. He is laughing more frequently, and starts hyperventilating and windmilling his arms with excitement whenever his father or I walk into the room. He's still not sleeping, but that's ok, because he is getting exponentially cuter by the day:
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