Monday, June 2, 2008


Today was Grady's four month pediatric appointment- vaccination day. And let me tell you what we learned at the two month appointment- shots day suuuuuuuuuuuuucks. Last time, the baby cried a little at the shots, but stopped quickly and came home all smiles- until about 8 pm, when despite the liquid tylenol we had flowing like wine, he spiked a fever and started really screaming, maybe for the first time in his life. Our night consisted of frenzied rocking, several sponge baths, and a number of panicked calls to our doctor and every other mom I knew. It stunk. So this time, we were prepared for the worst. And thus far..... nada (knock on wood). No fever, no crying, nothing. It's only 9:30, but by this time of night last time, we had already called the doctor twice and were well into freak out land. So fingers crossed, maybe we'll luck out. Or maybe I just jinxed it. We'll see.
The appointment went well, Gray seems to be growing right on schedule. 4 month stats as follows:
Length- 25 1/2 inches (75th percentile)
Weight- 15 lbs, 8 oz (75th percentile)
Head circ- not sure, but it's the 50th percentile
Develomental milestones hit-
Social smile- 6 weeks
Laugh- 12 weeks
cooing (says "a-koo")- 9 weeks
Rolls over tummy to back- 14 weeks
Rolls over back to tummy- 15 weeks
Gray totally punks me every chance he gets, and this appointment was no different. I spent twenty minutes telling the doctor how fussy and sleep deprived he was, and he spent those same twenty minutes smiling and cooing at her:
Then she asked how frequently he was rolling over, and I said, every once in a while, and then Graydon proceeded to do this three times in a row:
He is determined to make a liar out of me.
JC tried to give the baby a bottle in an effort to relax him pre-vaccination, but shocker! he wasn't having any of it. Thanks for trying, JC.
Instead, he preferred to lounge on the table and try to eat the paper liner:

Then, finally, shot time. Suffice it to say, the little man was NOT happy:
But here he is on the car ride home, and he's been sleeping pretty much ever since.
Fingers crossed that he stays this way all night.

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