The appointment went well, Gray seems to be growing right on schedule. 4 month stats as follows:
Length- 25 1/2 inches (75th percentile)
Weight- 15 lbs, 8 oz (75th percentile)
Head circ- not sure, but it's the 50th percentile
Develomental milestones hit-
Social smile- 6 weeks
Laugh- 12 weeks
cooing (says "a-koo")- 9 weeks
Rolls over tummy to back- 14 weeks
Rolls over back to tummy- 15 weeks
Gray totally punks me every chance he gets, and this appointment was no different. I spent twenty minutes telling the doctor how fussy and sleep deprived he was, and he spent those same twenty minutes smiling and cooing at her:
Then she asked how frequently he was rolling over, and I said, every once in a while, and then Graydon proceeded to do this three times in a row:
He is determined to make a liar out of me.
JC tried to give the baby a bottle in an effort to relax him pre-vaccination, but shocker! he wasn't having any of it. Thanks for trying, JC.
Instead, he preferred to lounge on the table and try to eat the paper liner:
But here he is on the car ride home, and he's been sleeping pretty much ever since.
Fingers crossed that he stays this way all night.
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