He is still not anywhere close to sleeping through the night, and we can count on at least 2-3 visits every night, ugh. I think it was a huge mistake to transition him to the toddler bed, we should have just put up a crib tent. So now we are stuck. So, so stuck. It's one thing to have a newborn waking up at all hours of the night. It's quite another to have your toddler, who slept for a solid 12 hours for a whole year, to be causing the midnight havoc. And he's still not eating well, he went from having a healthy appetite to eating the bare minimum he needs to survive. Soooooo frustrating.
Here he is creeping out one night, only he was so tired that he fell asleep before he could make it down the stairs:
Horsebacking riding at the local park:
Screaming? Laughing? Not sure:
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