Sunday, November 29, 2009


Here are some pictures from Finley's second month of life. Finley (aka Cricket, Squeaks, Pukey McPukerson, Veronica Vomit, Fats, Fat girl, Chunkster) is continuing to thrive. She is one big girl. She is only two months old and is fitting into 6 month old clothing! At her one month appointment she was 11 lbs and in the 95th percentile for weight. I am eager to see how she measures up next week at her two month check up.

Her weight is a definite accomplishment, seeing that she spits up or projectile vomits All. The. Time. The laundry we are doing (her clothes, her blankets, my clothes, couch cushions) is prodigious. It's nuts. G never threw up, and this muchacha never stops. Supposedly she should be growing out of it soon, we are going to talk to the doc about it next week. I have cut everything that could possibly be irritating her out of my diet, which helps, but we're still getting showered on a regular basis. On the flip side, though, she rarely cries. She is SUCH a good baby. She's a sleeper, she smiles all the time, and is just a total sweetheart. Such a difference from her brother, the infant from hell. I'll take all the spit up she wants to hurl my way if she'll only keep being such a sweet baby!

Bath time:

Daddy pulling double duty:

Sleeping- she always falls asleep in her car seat. G used to scream every single time he was placed in his:

Meeting up with Hank Kleeman for the first time- both slept through the whole thing:

Daddy duty- I bet their college buddies never thought they'd see this:

Hanging in her crib-yes, she wears alot of blue:

Starting to hold her head up well:

Chubby cheeks plus a double chin, what a chunkster:

Sleeping in her swing, she loves it:

Thigh rolls :)

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