Sunday, August 3, 2008

summer daze

Ok, so this blog is finally working again. For three days it kept shutting down on me everytime I opened it, citing some sort of "problem with internet explorer". Did anyone else experience this? Was it just my computer? Anyway, we seem to be back on track now, sorry about the delay in posting.

This has been a pretty slow week anyways, for us. It has been so freaking muggy and hot that I am loath to leave the house very much, especially with one chubby, sweaty baby in tow. When it was winter, I couldn't wait for the summer, because I was sure we'd be out all the time. Now that summer is here, I am barely holding on til autumn. Will I ever be satisfied? Probably not.

Since we haven't had much to do outside, baby and I have had to find new ways to amuse ourselves indoors. He likes to play pattycake, but there's only so many times I can play that before my head explodes. So, we've started two new games. One I like to call, "Let's see what ordinary household item we can imagine is a New, Exciting Toy" (also called "Here kid, why don't you play with this tupperware bowl for a while"). This is usually a fun game for oh, five minutes before Senor Antsinmypantsohmygoshineedtomovetomovecan'tsitstillcan'tsitstill
moves onto something else.

The second game I invented I like to call "Fashion Show" (also called "Let me dress you in the many outfits we have laying around that are supposed to be for a 9-12 month old but that you are clearly going to be too big for tomorrow fat boy"). In "Fashion Show", I like to dress Graydon up in clothes that may not be considered "seasonal" or "climate appropriate" or even " a good fit", but are clothes that he has never worn and are going to the storage bin without ever making it on to his long, chunky frame. Every day this week I will be featuring a picture from our runway extravaganza. Up first:

Adorable russian babushka hat that I registered for and Grammy was kind enough to buy and yet never wore since we never left the house this past winter due to crazybaby/nervousmom/cold:
Cute right? I know. Fashion Show is a fun game.

You may have noticed the long face in the second picture. That's because tomorrow we go for our 6 month checkup and shots. As Aron Boggs would say, "meerph". Additionally, my mom's cat broke his leg so we have to go take him to the vet first thing in the morning. I hope Graydon likes cats. More importantly, I hope the cat likes him. I don't have the faintest idea how I'm going to corral both simultaneously.
Tomorrow is not going to be fun.


Unknown said...

Hilarious and I want to do a fashion show with that hat. Meerph is right T...good luck today, cats and shots sound like an exiting mix. Hang in and hugs! :)

Grammy said...

Love the look-we'll have to squeeze his head into that hat this winter or buy another-I'll bet on the later. Love you

Becky said...

Too cute with those big blue eyes! The lack of indoor play areas in Northern VA is frustrating - in super hot weather we usually end up at Home Depot to climb on the tractors.

Kate said...

i love the look on his face in the second pic. "What the heck is mommy making me do now????"

thanks for my new desktop photo at work!