I'm not sure if it was the two days spent trying to get him to take the bottle while I was at work, or if he's a little under the weather, or possibly trying to work in a new set of teeth. But for some reason, for the last two days everytime I take him to his room to nurse he starts to scream. And by scream I mean, rattle the windows HOWL. What used to be a very serene part of our day has turned into a tension-filled battle royale. He will eat without fuss in other parts of the house, albeit distractedly. So it definitely has to with his room. Aaaargh. I'm hoping it was just the disruption in schedule and he'll get back to normal soon. Because the banshee like wails are going to drop kick me over the edge. We are giving him tylenol just in case it is teething or pain related.
Between our prizefighter rounds in his room, he is actually becoming quite a pleasant baby. Today we played peekaboo for, I don't know, TWO HOURS STRAIGHT. And the reason I was able to keep it up so long is because he was literally beside himself with laughter. And I will do whatever it takes to keep that little boy chock full of giggles.
Yesterday my friend Kim and her delicious baby Casey came over for a playdate. The two babies wrestled for a bit (at one point Gray looked like he was trying to kiss her but I knew better- he was trying to eat her) and then were seemingly happier playing by themselves. With the other baby's toys, of course.
Also, Casey was more interested in talking on the phone (what a girl!):
Today I was supposed to meet up with my friend Amy and baby Bobby but we got our wires crossed and never hooked up. So I went to the grocery store instead, where I made a delightful discovery- the baby is now able to sit upright in the cart! Which means no more Baby Bjorn or car seat in the grocery cart. Thanks to Linda Fringely for the awesome cart cover which protects the baby from the usual grocery store cooties. At any rate, he had a fabulous time sitting up and observing the supermarket from this new vantage point. And I had a fabulous time not breaking my freaking back by carrying him in the Bjorn.
Additionally, at the checkout aisle, they gave him a free balloon! How fabulous! He loved it! True, he did immediately try to bite it, maybe not the best idea with his sharp new teeth. But it entertained him for a good fifteen minutes- worth it!!!

Ok, off to bed. Grady has been sleeping through the night with increasing regularity but last night he totally veered off the rails and woke up twice and refused to be pacified. Even though we were bribing him with breast milk, whiskey, money, whatever! Rough night. Need sleep. Blog again soon.
Ok, off to bed. Grady has been sleeping through the night with increasing regularity but last night he totally veered off the rails and woke up twice and refused to be pacified. Even though we were bribing him with breast milk, whiskey, money, whatever! Rough night. Need sleep. Blog again soon.
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