See this perky gang I have pictured above? No, they're not friends. I don't personally know them. They're the (canadian?) stars of a TV show on the Discovery Kids channel, called "Hi-5". Basically, they have this totally goofy TV show where they wear silly outfits, dance around and sing songs, and Graydon loooooooooves them. Actually, he loves one very specific episode, the music episode, where they sing songs the whole time. I don't let him watch TV during the day, but come 4:30 when we are waiting for daddy to come home and he is borderline falling apart, I have found that replaying this one episode (comcast's On Demand) helps stave off the meltdown. It is really amazing, how much he is processing- when he hears the opening song, his head snaps up and swivels towards the TV, and he starts to smile and giggle. I try to only use this show as a last resort, for when I am really desperate. So basically, we have been watching it every day.
This afternoon, he was getting fussy, and I was trying to keep him up a little longer, and I went into our On Demand menu to play this particular episode, and it. was. gone. I am not even kidding you, I totally freaked out. They took it out of rotation! What, what, what am I going to do??? Aaaargh! I am thinking of calling Comcast. I'm sure they'll be accommodating, right? HA!
This is the look he gave me when I told him I couldn't find the episode.
I'm in trouble.
LOL! Tara! We have seen them twice LIVE! AND IN CONCERT! You find them on demand and DVR them! You hear me??
PS - Jeff still talks about how hot Jen is, so I would reccomend NOT seeing them in concert :)
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