Ok, so I think I have to stop posting good news on this blog, because the minute I do, things take a turn for the worse. It's like the blog and the baby are conspiring against me! Things HAD been going well with the sleep training. Apparently by now we should be gravy, according to the (worthless) book I'm following. Instead, Graydon is apparently the only baby alive who actually is getting WORSE with the training, rather than better. Instead of sleeping through the night, we all got up at 4:30 this morning. Except for Stella. Stella slept in til like, 7. It's like Bizarro world over here.
Of course, he cried a ton today, but every time I reached for the camera to document it, he started smiling. He's definitely a little ham.
Part of the reason has to be that the poor little guy is teething. He has one tooth poked through and the one next to it looks to be coming through any minute now. So then I feel doubly guilty for letting him cry when he is probably in pain. This just sucks. I tried to get a pic of the new teeth but I couldn't without blinding him.
On a happier note, he is now sitting up unassisted. The first time he did it, he was really surprised, and then so pleased with himself, he just started squealing and laughing. Now he tries to do it all the time. Hilarious. And tonight, JC and I watched him pull himself up to a (very wobbly) standing position! He is clearly a kid on the move.
Ok, am exhausted. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
PS- This is kind of gross, sorry. Why is Graydon's ear wax the color of cheetos? Does anyone know? Is this normal? It's like a neon orange. I didn't even know that color existed in nature. Don't worry, I'm not posting a picture. Although I thought about it.
1 comment:
Tara - hi there. My husband, Brendan, works for your father-in-law. He was showing your blog off at work today and since we also have a blog, Brendan emailed me your link. I have to say that your baby might be the cutest thing on earth - after my own kids of course! He has the most beautiful eyes and smile. He reminds me of my son, Aidan, when he was that age. Aidan started walking at 10 months and climbing everything within eye shot a few days later. Good luck - we'll keep reading - and yes, orange ear wax is normal!
Becky Cullinan
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