Thursday, July 10, 2008


I haven't been able to post any pictures this week because I accidentally fried our battery recharger and so my camera is dead. (Who knew regular batteries couldn't go into a battery recharger? Well, according to JC, everybody.) So here are a few random pictures that I had already downloaded, more to come this weekend, hopefully.
Wearing big boy clothes, they crack me up:
Practicing his road rage at Grammy's house:
Hanging out with the Brothers' brothers (Monkee's babies):
The twins (check out how tan they are! It's their natural coloring, lucky ducks!) They're just over 2 months and soooooo scrumptious:
Graydon, once again, dwarfing the competition:
Roughhousing with his favorite uncle:
That's all I got! More posts to come when we fix the camera.

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