Month two started out much like month one- a whole lotta crying, fussing, and general discomfort. And that was just JC ! We're pretty sure the baby was suffering from a mild to moderate case of colic, as he was really gassy and cried a lot. A WHOLE lot. So I cut out all dairy from my diet (including chocolate! and cheese- that almost killed me) and he seemed to improve... slightly. At any rate, it was pretty tough, and I think we might have tried to return the baby had he not started to do this:

So, we decided to keep him. For now.
Month two was also notable because we began to take car rides (which he hated)

We also started to do alot of tummy time (also hated)

And tried to contain a raging case of baby acne (mommy hated).

All in all, month two was a little rough and we are glad it is OVER with!
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