Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ferberization nation

So, we are on night 3 of letting Finley scream her lungs out until she finally goes to sleep. I have been dreading this, but I know it needs to happen. And amazingly, it's been going REALLY well (knock on wood knock on wood!) The first night, she cried for 11 minutes, slept until 3 (3! OMG!) and then cried for 25 minutes, went back to sleep and woke up at 6:30. Last night, she cried for 6 minutes, slept until 2:30, cried for 15 minutes, and slept until 6:45. Tonight, she cried for TWO minutes and then went to sleep. HOO-FREAKING-RAY!!!!! We are sooooooooooooooo excited. If only she would keep this up she'll be the BEST BEEBEE EVER!!!! :)

In other news... Finley is walking up a storm and also babbling quite a bit. She says mamamama, dadadada, and depdepdep. Additionally, she has this crazy voice that sounds like one of Marge Simpson's sisters. Carrie dubbed her "slingblade", ha! It's hilarious. I am trying to catch it on video but it's tough. All she wants to do it eat, drink her brother's sippy cup, climb the stairs, eat some more, do whatever G is doing, eat some more. She is chubby and smiley and fabulous. We love love love us some Beebster over here.

As for G money... he is doing great! Speech therapy is going really well, he is starting to rapidly expand his vocabulary and is beginning to be much more intelligible. Just today he said tent, noise, better, and his name! Gray! All for the first time. So awesome. He pointed to me and said, " Mama, Dada, Beebee.... and GRAY! and he pointed to himself and smiled the biggest smile. JC and I were laughing, he was so freaking cute. He can also count to ten- one, doo, tree, four, fahf, sext, oh, (he can't say seven), eight, nahn, eight, den! He loves to play hide and seek, choo choo trains, and dars (cars). He's super sweet and sociable, and has his Grandma Barbara's sweet tooth, for sure. He eats only the following: chicken nuggets, pizza, french fries, strawberries, blueberries, pasta, bananas, and grilled cheese sandwiches. And that is IT. Ugh.

Aside from the last sentence, isn't this post nauseatingly positive?? THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I FINALLY GET SOME SLEEP, MY FRIENDS!!! Everything is different when you feel (semi) rested. The past year has seriously killed me in so many ways, I am just so happy that it's hopefully changing dramatically for the better. I am a lady that needs consistent sleep, so I am thrilled.

I just ordered a new camera battery charger, as soon as it comes I'll post some pics.

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