Thursday, June 3, 2010

the haps

What's been happening in our neck of the woods to warrant such a delay in blog posting, you may ask? Well, a lot, actually. Events of the past two weeks include:

-our computer broke, had to go to Costco and buy a new one.

-mistakenly told Graydon that if he behaved at Costco, maybe I'd get him a new truck. Not knowing that their toys are seasonal and the only toys available were pool accessories. G was not impressed, and proceeded to yell "Truck! Truck! Truck! Truck!" at the top of his lungs for the remainder of our time there.

-Lost our camera battery charger, so the camera is dead and we are unable to unload any pictures from it on to our new computer.

-Can't find our video recorder, either, which stinks because the kids both started doing crazy stuff this week:

-Finley is crazy mobile- she crawls super quick, pulls herself up on anything and everything, and walks behind her walker. She also lets go and stands solo for a few seconds. The other night she let go and reached for stella, who moved, and so Finn took about 3 steps. Nutso. Also, this one is the best- she PUSHES the baby gate aside so that she can go up the stairs. Obviously it's not fastened. We are going to have to figure out a different method, like now.

-Finley finally has two teeth, her bottom middles. I guess they came in at the same time, no wonder she's been screaming all night long.

-She's still screaming all night long. Crying it out is just not working with this kid. We did it for two weeks without ever going in her room and no change. Then we started going in once a night for a feed, still no change. She's only slept through one time. It's been a month. I had a nervous breakdown last weekend about it. Thanks to Jami sherman and poppa T and uncle JJ for coming through and helping out! I just can't stand to hear her cry all night long, I can't do it anymore. We did it for a month and that's enough. Monday night we moved a mattress into her room so Beebs and I are going to cosleep and see how that goes. It's been 8 months of total sleep deprivation and I give up.

-Also, she's totally sick. So is G. So is JC. Amazingly, I am the only one currently unscathed. G is cranky with a runny nose and a lowgrade fever. JC has sinusitis and a runny nose. F is the sickest, with a runny nose, 103 fever, and numerous vomiting episodes. Oh and a juicy cough. Fun times, fun times. We are supposed to do a family photo shoot this weekend with my friend from high school and if it goes on as planned we are going to be one motley looking crew.

-And- BOTH kids are talking. Finn says da da da da and repeats it when you say it to her. So cute, G never ever babbled like this. she also says nanananana and blows rasberries at you. Graydon has suddenly mastered short sentences and is starting to imitate sounds, FINALLY! Sentences from the past week include:

Mama, TWO ants
mama, mama! mack TRUCK
i don't know
abc's (he can repeat them fairly well)
mama! i jump HIGH!
mama! I NICE!
mama! I BIG boy.
i TWO! (when asked his age. he can now also count to 3).

It's crazy, it's like something clicked this past week and he is saying all sorts of words he never said before. We are very excited, because the stuff he's been saying is pretty hilarious.

What else? The pool opened up last weekend, JC and Gray spent a ton of time there and he loved it. Looking forward to being there every weekend this summer! That's about it, these past 2 weeks have been nuts. This weekend my good friend Amy is due to have her second! Can't wait to drag her down into the depths of misery with us, hahaha! just kidding! not really!

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