Saturday, May 15, 2010


JC and I are sitting here listening to Finley scream, and sob, and cry so hard that she chokes and sputters... we are on like day 12 of sleep training and it has gotten worse, not better. I don't know why other people's babies seem to sleep with no problems and it's like defcon 5 with my kids. It's total hell. It is making me sick to my stomach to listen to her. She just won't sleep. We have tried cosleeping, going in to her, rocking her, nursing her and now letting her scream. Nothing works. Nothing. She gets up eight or nine times a night EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. She had one night where she slept from 9 to 5. ONE. ONE NIGHT. In SEVEN months. I am on the verge of losing my sanity, seriously. She was at least napping semi-regularly before our trip to Michigan but now that's out the window too. I have read every freaking book there is and nothing seems to work. She is getting teeth right now but we are medicating her and it's not making a lick of difference. No one has any advice to give. I don't know what to do, if this keeps up I am going to lose it.

1 comment:

Becky said...

She's around 8 months? Part of it may be developing separation anxiety. I don't know what to tell you. My oldest went through this around the same time - also refused to nap. It lasted a month or two and then got better. I remember that it helped to make sure the room was pitch black dark every time I put him down. I think I even nailed a dark towel over the window to block out light. We also never went in his room except to go to bed. I even changed him in my room if it wasn't bedtime. I know it is horrible and the only consolation is that it won't last forever - although it seems like it. If you can go for a walk while JC stays home while she's doing this it might make it more better for you. Good luck!