Stats: at 6.5 months, Finley was measuring at 19.8 lbs, 27 3/4 inches long (90th % for both)
Nicknames: Finn, Finners, the Finnster, Fin-finnery, Finners winners chicken dinners, Fifi, FB, BeeBee, Beebs, the Beebster, Mrs. Justin Beiber (no more Fats- she's slimming down considerably as she never stops moving)
BeeBee is what G calls her.
Activities- crawling like a flash (she's so fast!); pulling her self up to standing; standing flat footed; cruising EVERYWHERE. She's even started letting go and standing solo without assistance (but only for a moment, before she crashes on her fat booty). She's definitely going to be walking in the next month or two at the latest. Oh, climbing up stairs, that one's not so fun.
Likes- her brother, her brother's toys, her brother's sippy cups, her brother, her brother. She is hell bent on following G around like a puppy dog and doing whatever he's doing. Unfortunately, not a lot of what he does is baby friendly. Even more unfortunately, he shows his displeasure with her interference by yelling "NOOOO BEEBEE" and occasionally backhanding her across the face. He spends alot of the day in time out. She also likes eating finger foods, hanging in the baby bjorn, pattycake, peekaboo, and dance music!
Dislikes: Her crib, sleeping, sleeping in her crib, being near her crib, being put to bed, naps. Also hates being strapped down in anyway, from her high chair to the carseat to the stroller. Hello, mini Graydon. We had some full on wars trying to get him to stay seated in any of these things- looks like Finn is following in his formidable footsteps. Sigh.
She also dislikes it intensely when I try to leave the room. Separation anxiety anyone? That's fun. I have to tote her into the bathroom even or she'll flip her wig.
She and I share one major dislike- teething. She has two teeth that are poised to pop at any moment, and between them and the no sleeping she is unbearably cranky these days. Poor kiddo. POOR PARENTS! :P
Quick G update- he starts speech therapy on Thursday, hooray! Apparently he has an articulation disorder that the county is confident will be rectified with some therapy. Fingers crossed!