It's only 9:45 pm and we have already been in Finley's bedroom THREE times because she is freaking out in there. OMG. She keeps flipping herself over and then either doesn't want to be on her stomach or wants to go another way or something but can't figure out how to fix the situation. It. Is. Horrific. No one is able to offer us any advice, so JC and I are like, bumbling our way through this period and it suuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
This is so totally why we are only having two kids. We are going to be up all night long. Just like we have been every night for the past 4 months. Seriously, I am not going to do it, but I get why all these moms like Paula Yates go psycho. It is close to impossible to sustain this level of (lack of) sleep.
Aaaargh. I miss my mom, I would love to know what she would do in this situation. Or at least, love her to come over and sit with miss fussbucket so we could get some rest!!! She totally would, too!
Update: It is now 10:45 and she is still up. JC and I finally caved and brought her downstairs. Now she's all smiles. But nowhere near sleeping. Somebody shoot me.
Update to the update: It's now 8 am. This was our night. Finley- up crying until 11:30. I have no idea why. I think she got overtired and just flipped out.
G- up at 12, wouldn't go back down until I lay down in his room with him.
F- up at 3:30
G-up at 3:45
Both kids up til 5
F- back up at 6
G-up at 7.
So, this is why we are insane. This happens every night. Last night we tried to let Finley fuss a little in her crib (for longer than we usually do) and she freaking flipped out for two hours, screaming. We have tried locking G's baby gate at night so he can't get out but then he starts screaming and wakes up Finley who also starts screaming and then I'm screaming and JC is screaming and the only one who isn't is Stella and that's because she hides in the basement. It is pure misery. All babies should be born already knowing how to sleep and with afull set of teeth.
Someone bought us "Healthy Sleep Habits Healthy Child" by Dr Marc Weissbluth and it really helped us when Tyson was boycotting sleep. I'm a believer. Sleep deprivation is no joke!
Ohhhh - I totally feel your pain. A few things that seemed to work in the past for us - each kid was different.
- decreasing # of naps during day
- starting solid food
- taking Fenugreek to up milk output
- making baby cooler or warmer depending on weather
- humidifier in room - noise and decrease thirst
- black out blinds
- tylenol
- barring that - 3 big glasses of wine for mom - you can sleep through anything :)
Good luck - we're thinking of you!
Jackee- Thanks- we totally go by that book too. Weisbluth and I are BFF at this point. Unfortunately, it's not as good with toddlers as it is with babies.:)
Becky- thanks for the tips! amazingly, the night after I posted my little tirade, G actually slept through the night! First time in 6 months!!! Fingers crossed that it continues... hope you are well!
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