Finley Barbara (aka Finners, Finn, Fats, Fat girl, Finnerkins, the Finnster, and Finners Winners Chicken Dinners) is, umm, thriving, to put it politely. She is definitely a healthy girl- she is rocking 12-18 month old clothing and her head is as big if not bigger than Graydon's. I think she may need a helmet to correct it but no one in our immediate family agrees with me so we are just going to watch and wait for now. If she ends up with a large flat head and no one wants to take her to prom I will definitely feel horrible but I am hoping this is just a phase and once she loses her baby fat and grows some hair she'll look better. JC's a much better parent than I, he thinks she looks perfect but I'm nothing if not a realist and let's face it, check below, the girl has quite the melon.
But... even with this (admittedly slight) imperfection, JC is right- she is totally awesome. Seriously, she is the smiley-est, nicest, most pleasant baby of all time. Every time she makes eye contact she smiles. If you play pattycake or peekaboo, you're normally rewarded with a string of giggles. And if Gray's anywhere nearby, forget it. She thinks he hung the moon and she will throw her headback and laugh uproariously at anything and everything he does. It's pretty great. It makes all the sleepless nights worth it.
Oh, what sleepless nights, you may ask? Surely the kids are sleeping through the night by now, right? Right? Um, WRONG! Not only are they not sleeping, they are not sleeping in a SPECTACULAR fashion. We are, no joke, up anywhere from 6 to 10 times EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Finley usually wakes up for 2-3 feedings, plus 3-4 additional wakeups because she needs her pacifier. That's 5-7 just for Finn. And G, who should know better, has also been coming into our room just for kicks every night at least 3, sometimes 4 times a night. We are in total sleep deprivation Guam torture chamber hell. That's why I haven't been posting. I've been hovering on the brink of a total no-sleep induced nervous breakdown. The other night, I think JC actually cried. We are so desperate for sleep. I can't take it anymore. I am losing chunks of my memory and vocabulary. JC can't remember what clothes he wore to work the day before and we are pretty sure he wore the same outfit 3 days in a row last week. It is misery. I knew I was in trouble today when I was making eggs for Graydon's lunch and I was tempted to lay down on the kitchen floor and catch a catnap. I don't know how to make them sleep, nothing we are doing is working, and aaaaaaaargh. Help.
I have plenty more pics to post including some cute ones from Dolan's bday party and Gray's new tricycle but I am going to try and get an hour of sleep before one of the insomniacs wakes up and starts wailing. So here's my sweet girly girl from the past month. She's the best!

She now sits up by herself unassisted (for a few minutes before toppling), rolls over constantly, and army crawls across the room. Not bad for a 5.5 monther!

It's so weird, Gray looks alot like my father-in-law, Sean, but Finley doesn't really look like Gray, yet she is starting to look like Sean, too. I think Sean must have some extremely dominant genes!