Sunday, March 15, 2009

random updates

Here is a random assortment of recent pictures from the past two months or so... Graydon is getting to be pretty hilarious these days. He has this crazy fake laugh that he does seriously ALL the time. He just walks around the house guffawing (heh heh heh HAAAAAW) and then clapping. It's a little odd, but it entertains him (and us) so we roll with it. He is also proving to be totally insane with regard to his preferred activities. The things he loves to do are so random. For instance, he loooooves to take my car keys, walk around the house, find little screws (like under his high chair, or under the dining room table) and try to jam the keys into the little holes. Every day is a hunt to figure out in what miniature hiding spot Graydon has left my keys. He also has a tiny rake (from a tiny toy gardening kit) and likes to comb his, my, and Stella's hair with it every morning. Additionally, he has started launching himself off of totally inappropriate things- the couch, the top of the stairs, the jungle gym at the park. You seriously have to watch him non-stop- he is like this maniacal little kamikaze. So life over in our house is never dull. I cannot cannot cannot WAIT until spring has sprung so that we can get outside to the park every day. This kid has energy that can only be burned in the great outdoors. On the flip side, he has suddenly started to give out hugs- I got my first one Saturday morning after working the night shift- and it was soooooo sweet. Totally made all the gray hairs he's caused this past month worth it.

As far as pregnancy watch 2009, I am still puking, still getting migraines, and still completely exhausted all the time. Fun, fun stuff. I'm just about done with the first trimester so I am PRAYING this all fades soon. We go for our NT ultrasound scan on Tuesday so JC and I will get to see El Segundo up close and personal. But we do NOT want to find out the gender, so hopefully we won't have our surprise ruined. I am pretty good at making out what's on the screen, so I am just going to not pay close attention when they scan down to the genitalia. JC wouldn't know if it were puppies up there on the screen, so I am not worried about him finding out. I am hoping for a brother for the Goose, but as long as there's a healthy bean in there I'll be thrilled.

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