So, today we had our NT ultrasound and wow, it was something else. I didn't choose to have this test performed with Gray but since I will be 35 when El Segundo is born (and apparently 35 is now considered "Advanced Maternal Age"- wah!) my doctor "strongly suggested" that I get the scan done. So we did, and it was pretty awesome. There's a baby in there, people! I don't know, but for some reason this pregnancy hadn't really clicked with me yet. Yes, I know, I dry heave all the time and am totally nauseous and exhausted but for some reason I am constantly forgetting I am pregnant. It's only after I reach for the tray of sushi that I remember "Oh yeah, can't have that- CRAP". Maybe it has something to do with the thirteen month old maniac killing off all of my brain cells. Who knows. But today, seeing that little peanut up on the screen, it finally TOTALLY hit me- I am pregnant! Pregnant! With a second baby! Two babies! Two babies... Two diapers....Two babies....ohmyLordwhathaveIdone TWO BABIES!!!! Now I am totally freaking. I can barely handle one baby. And in six short months I am going to have two! Today I officially entered pure panic mode.
But anyway, enough about my impending catastrophe. This ultrasound was so nuts because the baby, well, really LOOKED like a baby. It's still so early, I didn't expect everything to be so formed already. Tiny hands, tiny feet, eyes, nose, mouth, ears- wow. JC was supposed to scan a picture for me but he was apparently too busy at happy hour getting his car bomb on to get it done. Tomorrow I will post the first ever photo of El Segundo so you can marvel at his perfection, too.
*Oh- and I am calling him a "he" because I think it's a boy. We didn't see any semblance of genitalia (that I could recognize at any rate) and so we are still in the dark. My intuition says boy. Of course, I was convinced that Graydon was a girl, and look how that worked out for me.
**Also- the scan today took an hour because the baby would Not. Stop. Moving. The entire time he was doing karate chops, high kicks, and back flips. The entire time. The ultrasound tech and the doctor kept giggling- they couldn't believe how much he was moving. They were astonished. JC and I knew better, though- we've got one exactly like him at home. And now- heaven help us- we're going to have two.
I'd better start stockpiling the wine now.