Friday, October 30, 2009


This is the post I'm going to refer to if I ever start feeling broody and like I want to get pregnant again (not going to happen, btw).

Here's the rundown of our night last night:

8 pm- G goes down for the night with a minumum of fuss. Awesome.
9 pm- JC wandering around moaning about the Hokies.
9:30 pm- Finley down.
9:35- JC and I dead asleep

11:00- Finley's up! diaper change, feeding, burp, hold her upright for 15-20 minutes due to suspected reflux
11:45- Finley back down

2:00- Finley back up!
2:00-4:00- diaper change Finn, feed finn, burp finn,hold finn upright, put finn down, immediately after which finley throws up, change finn's outfit, finley poops, diaper change #2, hold finn upright, bounce finn on my knees and stare at each other because she is now wiiiiiide awake.


2:45: Graydon is UP and will not go back to bed.
2:45- 5:00AM- JC, then I, then JC, then I, then JC and I both try to get G to go back to sleep, all while Graydon screams and cries hysterically because he wants to go downstairs (with me, of course) and watch TV and we won't let him and keep putting him back into bed. Finally at 4:50 after two straight hours of crying and screaming nonstop I said, "screw it" and we go downstairs. He's asleep in 10 minutes. I'm asleep in 11.

5:45- Finley's back up. OF COURSE! Rinse, lather, repeat. G up an hour and a half later. I honestly do not know how we are going to get through these next few months if last night is the norm. Either one would be manageable on their own, but together????? TOTAL SHITSTORM!

If JC or I don't call you back in the next year, it's not because we don't want to talk to you. It's because we are too freaking tired to answer the phone.

Here' some more photos from the past month, because I don't know when I'll be alert enough to post again- right now I'm on some weird overtired adrenaline rush.

G strikes a pose:

Finley and Grandpa:

Of course NOW he's interested in the pacifier:

This is a normal day in our house- high school should be interesting:

With his cousin Reagan:

The gassiest lady in town:

Cousins Grace and Reagan:

Best buds:

Reagan hugging (squeezing) Finley:
Flashback to Reagan hugging (squeezing) Graydon- somethings never change:

Totally alert, was hoping she'd keep sleeping til like, 9 months, but no dice:

Spongebob-square head (thanks for the bag/hat, Connie!:) and Poppa T

The new train table, it is AWESOME:

Worth it:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Photos from September

Sorry for the lack of photo commentary, but we are tired over here. My GOD, we are so tired. Finley is super sweet, super gassy, and super messy. On a typical night, we are up for 2.5 to 3 hours at a clip just dealing with her PRODIGIOUS bodily waste. Diaper changes can take anywhere from 3-7 diapers, because as soon as you take off her diaper the cold air stimulates her and she explosively, DYNAMICALLY poops everywhere. You can take that dirty diaper off and wait for 2 hours and she won't poop again. However, the moment you put on a new diaper, she lets it rip. Or else pees all over herself. And then waits until you clean her up and change her onesie and get settled back in bed before she vomits all over you. OMG it's insane. Luckily, she is pretty mellow throughout the process. If she were a screamer like G was I would probably need to be medicated.

Speaking of G Money, as if the 9 lb fountain of toxic waste weren't enough to occupy us, Gray has decided this month to start waking up every morning at FOUR. yes, that's right, FOUR in the morning. And then refuse to take an afternoon nap. Oh, and is probably also cutting his two year molars right now, as well. Oh, and just last week decided that shoving and pushing other little toddlers was a pretty fun pasttime. So I started putting him in time out, and instead of being upset, or feeling contrite, he thought it was hilarious! Time outs- what great fun! Argh. So we are surviving over here with two under two, but just barely. I think it's time to start drinking wine again.