Here are some shots from the last week. I can't believe what a BOY he looks like in some of these. No longer a baby, so sad!
Trying to finish his daddy's beer (it was empty)- I'm sure this is a shot we'll see again and again:

Also, he is going through a phase where he hates to wear clothes but loves to wear shoes and hats. So most days find him in a diaper wearing shoes, sometimes his but more likely mine or JC's. Below he is sporting a pair of my winter boots- it took alot of effort on his part to get these on:

Looking not at ALL like a baby:

Hanging with his Aunt Carrie! He loooooved her, especially because she let him play with her phone and read him his new favorite book, Thomas the Train (thx Aunt Barb!):

Topless yet again:

Casey came to visit! These two are confirmed best friends- they play so well together and just laugh and laugh. This visit they spent alot of time under the dining room table for some reason- usually Graydon just goes under there to poop, ha! Isn't Casey gorgeous? We love when she visits!

Up to absolutely no good- probably fishing through my diaper bag and looking for my wallet. Graydon is obsessed with taking my credit cards out and hiding them. Not so much fun for me.

Wearing Casey's shoes, he refused to take them off. Also has some shaving cream in his ear, he loves to squirt JC's shaving cream on his hands and then pat his face with it, just like he's actually shaving. Hilarious!

I swear, he does wear clothes some times. But he also gets heat rash easily, so I don't mind him stripping down when he's just inside the house. What a nut.

Also, just an update on El Segundo. I am in total denial that this baby is going to be here in 33 days. Thus far, everything has been going well. I am just soooooo tired. The nursery is ready and the baby clothes have been washed. Basically, we just need to buy some newborn diapers and we are physically ready for the baby. Mentally, well, that's a different story:)