Ok, this post isn't going to be long because I worked today and I am exhausted! But, it is the Goose's first birthday today and there needs to be a post to commemorate it! Hooray, little man! We are so proud of him, he is such a fun, sweet, handsome little guy. He is really the best. We totally lucked out with how awesome he is (JC would credit it to good genes;). He is coming along so well and we love him so much. We couldn't be happier. Happy first birthday Graydon!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
temper temper
We are gearing up for the big man's one year birthday on Thursday, which is so crazy to me! I can't believe that just one year ago I was getting sliced and diced on the operating room table. Insanity. It seems like Gray has really revved up the maturity in the last month. Seemingly overnight, he is starting to imitate words, figure things out (how the light switch works), respond to requests, and.... throw tantrums. Yes, that's right, full blown tantrums, complete with ear-piercing howls, foot stomping, back arching, and hysterical crying. I thought tantrums were supposed to start around age two... this is WAY too early. The foot stomping gets me every time. It's actually the same move he uses to dance. So I always check to see whether he's pissed off or just trying to get his groove on. Unfortunately, the majority of the time, it's because he's pissed off. REAL pissed off. Oh well.
I'm currently trying to wean him from nursing but it's not going well, mainly because he hates formula, and he hates cow's milk, and he's not even that fond of juice. So I don't know what we are going to do. I'm slightly panicked about the whole thing.
I'm so tired these days, I am off to bed. More to come soon.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
We are still hanging out on the train to sick-town over here, but el bambino seems to be improving, thank goodness. He still has a river of "schnoodle", as my MIL calls in, running down his pathetic little face. But his cough is improving and he's starting to become less lethargic and more of the hyperactive spinning top that he normally is. JC and I aren't sick yet, fingers crossed that we are immune to whatever virus is slamming the baby.
So, one more week and this crazy baby will be ONE! Honestly, I can hardly believe it. Some months have just flown by, and other months have draaaagged. But I have to admit, these last few months have been pretty awesome. It's like you can see the little wheels turning in his head as he starts to really interact and engage in the world around him. Some things he's been doing in the past month or so:
- Dancing (he does a jig-like dance, almost like running in place with less coordination. so hilarious)
-Clapping spasmodically at totally random moments
-Climbing (oy vey- we have already had one rather traumatic spill. We are back to the days of constant vigilance)
-Screaming/shouting (bob bob, gaaaoooaooamembobdagoooogabob)
-Trying to buckle himself into his highchair
-Bringing the dogleash over to Stella
-Trying to put shoes on his feet (mine, JC's, his own)
-Trying to spoonfeed himself
-Playing hide and go seek- good at finding AND hiding- although he generally will hide right in front of you in a very easy to spot place- like he'll cross the room and then squat in a corner. If you pretend you don't see him and walk by, he shrieks with glee and comes running after you.
-Running (or at least, toddling very briskly)
-Holding the phone to his ear and pretending that he is talking to someone
That's all I remember right now. He is seriously hilarious. Here are a few pictures from the last week or so, including a playdate with JB and Carolee's twins, the Brothers' brothers:
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
poor buddy
The little man is sick, sick, sick. He's got it all- wet, juicy cough that keeps him up all night; constantly running nose; glassy eyes; low-grade fever that comes and goes; miserable disposition. You can see that he wants to be happy and playing, but the cold just overpowers him and he ends up whimpering, instead. It is truly pathetic. JC and I feel so badly for him. Additionally, he hasn't been out of the house since Friday with the exception of a few dog walks, and I am sure he has major cabin fever. But I don't want to take him anywhere when he's so sick. Sigh. I was hoping he would maybe be feeling better today, but it's day three and if anything he's getting worse. Poor baby!
I need to post about all his new accomplishments but I think I'll wait until he's feeling better.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
too tired to even post a picture
I am so tired tonight. This past week kicked my butt, hard. I wanted to publicly thank my mother-in-law for coming over unexpectedly this past Wednesday, as I was completely incapacitated by a migraine headache and totally unable to function, nevermind care for a maniac baby. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Chris. Additionally, we had two playdates in Maryland this past week (with Casey and the Brothers brothers, Dominic and Bronston- pictures to come next post); I worked all day yesterday; and then today drove to Pennsylvania and back for my grandmother's surprise 85th birthday party. I wasn't sure it was the best idea to surprise an eighty-five year old, but Nana handled it with her usual aplomb, and we had a great time. However, the quick turnaround and time spent in the car with my dad and brothers wiped me out. This is going to be a short post. In fact, it's done. More to come tomorrow.
Monday, January 12, 2009
the moose
We had another playdate with Bobby B. The two guys really seem to get along well together, which is good, since Amy and I have already decided that they're going to be BFF, whether they like it or not. Actually, I've been fortunate in that Gray really seems to get along with most other babies. He loves to be around other little guys- he seems to have a very social personality (so surprising considering his parents!:) The only issue we've ever had is that one time when he was bitten. But that was hardly his fault, seeing that he was blindsided by some evil little devil-child.
At any rate, Bobby and Graydon get on like a house afire. We were privileged to be present for Bobby's first time in a swing, and hoo boy, did he love that! He was hysterical- he has the deepest belly laugh, and he was going crazy in the swing. I'm so happy that our good friends live close by and we're able to get these guys together on a regular basis!

At any rate, Bobby and Graydon get on like a house afire. We were privileged to be present for Bobby's first time in a swing, and hoo boy, did he love that! He was hysterical- he has the deepest belly laugh, and he was going crazy in the swing. I'm so happy that our good friends live close by and we're able to get these guys together on a regular basis!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
eleven months
The goose is now eleven months old. I can't even wrap my mind around the fact that at the end of this month, he'll hit a year. It really seems like only yesterday that I was bitching about being fat and pregnant and getting no sleep. And here we are almost a year later, and... um... well, I'm not pregnant anymore! So there's THAT.
And Graydon is certainly off to a rip-roaring start this year. He pretty much operates all day long at mock speed 180. He does NOT like to slow down. Or stop. Or listen. Even while sleeping, he's all over the crib. This is a boy on the move. Every so often, very infrequently, and if the TV is on the Sprout network, you can wrangle him into sitting on your lap for a brief spell. But he's never there for very long. And then he'll pop off and take off running towards something in another room. One thing I regret doing is chasing him around the ottoman while he was learning to walk. Even though it was so fun, and he was so cute, and laughed so hard. He loved it! But now, we're paying for it. Everytime you approach him, he thinks it's a game of chase, and he shrieks and takes off in the opposite direction. Sigh. Well, maybe it'll help me lose weight.
He is now not only walking, but climbing, quasi-running, dancing. He's babbling, but also whispering, cooing, screaming (still no real words, but tons of sounds. And still, the fart noises are his favorite). He eats a ton of different foods- oatmeal, avacado, yoghurt, grilled cheese, pasta, chicken, peas, carrots, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, mango, applesauce, waffles, eggs, and goldfish, to name a short list. He's a social maniac, and even though he does bop other kids occasionally, he does it with love. He loves to laugh, and clap, and weirdly, put caps on bottles (seriously- it's his favorite thing ever. God forbid you should be drinking a soda and either not give it to him or try and put the cap on yourself. He flips.) He's just.... FUN! and hilarious! and adorable! We're so happy he's here.
Here are some recent photos taken with my brand spanking new awesome camera (thanks, Sean and Chris!) at the local playground. The playground is much more fun now that he can actually use the equipment. Especially when he has his daddy to show him the ropes:
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Christmas 2008
I'm so far behind, I think I'm just going to post a ton of pictures tonight and then get back to the commentary once I'm caught up. Christmas was awesome, our families totally spoiled us, and it was so fun to have the baby toddling around enjoying the holidays for the first time. Graydon is eleven months now (wowzers!) and he is a total trip. I'll post more next time on all his new talents (clapping! screaming! dancing! screaming! playing chase! screaming!) But for right now, here are the best pics from his first Christmas, 2008:

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